Interdimensional Inner Children

Aug 17, 2023

Many of us have already dipped our feet into Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing. Allowing us to acknowledge and call back in parts of us that we’ve shut down. Parts of us that have felt left out in cold.

Inner Child work focuses on aspects of our childhood where we didn’t feel safe and creating that safety net for our younger selves. Giving them the ability to have a childhood and allow that ripple effect into our present time. By letting this deep healing to occur from our past experiences, shifts the vibration imprint of how we experience specific memories and how we move forward in our lives now. Instead of having those old, triggered emotions, there’s a calmness within you now.

Interdimensional Inner Child Healing goes much deeper than just this lifetime or dimension. In this month’s Soul Sessions, we will explore and connect with our Inner Children from different lifetimes, dimensions and beings. As we connect with aspects of our other lives, we will heal the vibration of each lifetime lessons from these inner child experiences that have been brought into this lifetime.

We all come to learn lessons and sometimes these lessons are repeated. Here, we create the space to call back and heal these lessons interdimensionally, letting this healing wave move through all lifetimes connected. Shifting your own frequency in this lifetime as you feel more whole and content in knowing that ‘I AM… more than enough’.

Join me as we gently work through the layers of interdimensional healing energy and allow these parts of you to come home and feel whole and content. This energy work moves across time and realities letting you shift in your beliefs of how you experience life.

with access to over 60+ Soul Sessions to work with!

All Hypno-Meditations + Activations are downloadable

Modalities used in Session:

Light Language Activations, Energy Alchemy, Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Meditation +

Simonne Lee’s expertise is teaching you how to re-invent, create and embody the life that you desire. Learning these simple skills in mastering your own emotional clarity to claim back creating deeper understandings and faster shifts with patterns and habits that are anchored for life changing results.

Insta | TikTok | YouTube  @Simonnelee_       




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